Wednesday 17 July 2013

Kim Jong-il's body lies in state in glass coffin

The body of late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is now lying in state in Pyongyang with his third son, the expected new leader Kim Jong-un, among those paying tribute.

Releasing still photographs, state media said the younger Kim, hailed as ‘a great person born of heaven’, was joined by party, government and military officials.

No other heads of state are being invited to next week’s funeral, described by the regime as an internal affair. In the meantime, 11 days of mourning continue for Kim Jong-il, said to have died on Saturday of a heart attack aged 69.

The authenticity of the unrestrained outpourings of public grief in North Korea may be open to question. But Kim, the so-called ‘Dear Leader’ who ruled for 17 years, was revered at home by a propaganda machine that turned him into a demi-god.

Also Read-
Analyst’s view of N. Korea’s uncertain future
North Korea weeps for its ‘Dear Leader’
World powers hope for better ties with N. Korea

More about: Ceremony, Death, Kim Jong-il, North Korea Copyright © 2013 euronews

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