Wednesday 17 July 2013

Egypt's army defends methods against opponents

Four days of violence between Egyptian security forces and opponents of army rule have left at least 13 people dead.

International criticism has been levelled at the army’s handling of the crisis, while at the same time activists are suspicious of some of those appearing to be protesting with them.

“What I am seeing here are covered faces that I have never seen before, I believe they are paid agents,’‘ claimed one protester.

Another said:“The solution is the immediate handover of power and the trial of everyone who is responsible for all this.”

Defending the methods against protesters, Major General Adel Emara, a member of the Egyptian ruling military council, blamed what he called “evil forces”.

“There was a unique model of Egyptian people cooperating with their own army at the beginning of the revolution but this cooperation has irritated others who have their own agenda,” he said. “Their real aim is to topple the state.”

To support their position, the army released footage purporting to show peaceful protesters destroying Cairo’s scientific centre.

But having arrested scores of others and used what many see as excessive force, Egyptians remain shocked by the tactics of the army.

More about: Egypt, Police violence, Protests in Egypt, United Nations Copyright © 2013 euronews

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